Connect Your CRM

To get Risk Factor analysis in your Revenue Guide, you'll want to run a quick audit of the data properties in your CRM to ensure they're configured to accurately capture the most important information about your deals. There are only a few items you need to check.

To set up your properties correctly, you'll need to go into the HubSpot property settings view or the Salesforce fields customization view, depending on which CRM you're using.

Audit Deal Properties

  • Update the Deal Stage field's property values in all of your pipelines
    • Ensure your closed won stage is always called “Closed Won”
    • Ensure your closed lost stage is always called “Closed Lost”

  • Add and/or rename the Deal Type field's property values to make sure all revenue sources are recognized. Values should include the following:
    • "New Business"
      • Totally new account, signed a full contract commitment
    • "Pilot"
      • Testing out an engagement, usually a limited commitment like 3 months
    • "Expansion"
      • You secured business with another team / organization within a company that you already have business with
    • "Upsell"
      • You renewed an existing customer’s contract at a higher amount than you had before
    • "Renewal"
      • You renewed an existing customer's contract at the same amount you had before

  • Create new Contract Start Date and Contract End Date properties that store a date value, to make sure you've captured the contract length for each deal.

Audit Company Properties

  • Please add a custom company property to capture NPS scores called NPS Rating.
    • If you currently use NPS, you'll want to ensure this property is updated with the latest rating each time you run an NPS survey
    • If you don't currently use NPS, please create the field and leave it blank

Audit Contact Properties

  • (Salesforce only) Please add a custom Contact property called Lifecycle Stage to capture different lead types. Values should include the following:
    • "Lead"
      • A generic lead that has not been qualified yet
    • "Marketing Qualified Lead"
      • A lead that has been qualified by the Marketing team due to their actions or key properties
    • "Sales Qualified Lead"
      • A lead that has been qualified by the Sales team due to their actions or key properties

Backfill & Maintain Data

For all of the properties mentioned above, please add correct values for all deals and companies in your CRM, so we can provide complete historical analysis.

Capture these properties consistently for all future deals to power continuous monitoring of your business risks.

Connect Your CRM

You're ready to get daily Risk Factor analysis! Once you've completed your audit, head over to the Revenue Guide and click the "Connect CRM" button.

Follow the instructions on screen to connect HubSpot or Salesforce.

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