The Revenue Guide Module

The Revenue Guide is your operational command center, providing a map of your revenue processes and showing you exactly where you're running into trouble.

The Revenue Guide includes the following sections:

Goal Feasibility

The Goal Feasibility index gives you an at-a-glance, single metric summary of how well positioned you are to hit your revenue goals. It's your daily indicator of operational competency.

The baseline display shows where your company started out when we generated your Baseline Diagnostic and captured your initial Risk Factor measurements.

Team Readiness

The Team Readiness section provides an executive overview of company progress on your tailored playbooks.

In addition to highlighting the information found in the Leaderboard and team playbook tabs, we also show you how each team's readiness is changing over time, so you can ensure a consistent cadence towards improvement and growth.

Similarly to your Baseline Diagnostic, you'll also see which teams are not aligned to the ops level you expected your company to be at, so you can give them extra attention to get them up to speed.

Finally, we'll highlight any playbooks that are currently overdue, so you can connect with your team leaders to make sure new process is being implemented steadily and conscientiously.

Company Risk Factors

The Risk Factors section captures key business metrics that are vital to understanding any SaaS business and are frequently analyzed by executives, board members and investors to determine the health of your company.

As you improve your operations by completing playbooks, you should see a material improvement in your Risk Factor metrics. If you don't see improvement, that's an important signal to investigate gaps in your operations and course correct as necessary.

Each metric displays the industry-standard benchmark for that Risk Factor, your current value, and your performance as compared to the benchmark. You can expand metrics to see a time series data visualization of how your performance has changed, along with a reference point on the benchmark value and the first baseline value we captured for your company.

Please note that we will support automatic ingest of Risk Factor metrics from HubSpot and Salesforce CRM very soon, but in the interim you'll be working with our Customer Success team so we can calculate and capture the data for you.

Please also note that benchmarks are updated as market conditions evolve and new reference data is issued by our industry partners. We will alert you in the application when we update them.

Use Cases

In addition to proactive monitoring and course correction, you can use the Revenue Guide to make you more efficient, organized, and articulate in several common business scenarios. We're here to make you look good!

You can use the data in the Revenue Guide to:

  • Create board decks
  • Create investor updates
  • Drive regular team meetings
  • Drive company all-hands meetings
  • Audit your CRM implementation

If you find other cool use cases for this module, we'd love to hear about them.

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