Get Your Baseline Diagnostic

The baseline diagnostic provides a comprehensive overview of how ready your revenue teams are for success, and allows us to tailor your playbooks to your unique business scenario.

When you first visit the Playbooks module, you'll be asked to complete a brief survey for each of your revenue teams.

Each survey consists of single-select questions that probe your current revenue operations, and they take about 20 minutes each to complete. You can assign each survey to a team leader or individual contributor – we'll remind them to complete the surveys for you.

Once the surveys are complete, we'll generate your baseline diagnostic – a snapshot of your revenue operations:

The baseline includes the following information:

  • Each team's current ops level and expected level. Levels represent the growth stage that your company is at, according your current operations. You may remember that during onboarding we asked you which company profile best matches your current stage of growth. The baseline will assess whether each team is actually operating at the level you expected, or if they're underperforming and need to catch up.
Building Scaling Strategic Exit
You’ve achieved product-market fit and are creating your first repeatable go-to-market process. You’re ready to scale into new markets, sectors, and product lines, but go-to-market has gaps. You’re a global player and looking forward to a liquidity event.
  • Usually less than 50 employees
  • $1M to $5M ARR
  • Still figuring out your core Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success strategy
  • Usually 50 to 300 employees
  • $5M ARR and over
  • Encountering resistance to growth like competition, declining market share, high churn, and operational inefficiencies
  • Usually 300+ employees
  • $45M ARR and over
  • Growing rapidly around the world using a sophisticated, industry-leading go-to-market strategy. Securing market dominance
  • Each team's current Team Readiness score
  • Each team's biggest operational strength today
  • Each team's biggest operational challenge today

Using your baseline, we identify the exact playbooks you need to improve each team's operations and get them to peak revenue performance, creating a custom growth path for your company.

Once you're reviewed the baseline diagnostic, click "Take me to my Playbooks" to start improving your revenue operations immediately.

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