The Playbooks Module

Playbooks are the heart of your tailored operational strategy, giving you the crucial process you need to put in place if you want to succeed at each stage of your company's growth.

Playbooks can be completed by any user role – be sure to invite your team leaders and contributors to get everyone working in sync across your revenue organization.

The Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success tabs include the following sections:

Ops Level & Progress

The level each team is currently at, which tells you how sophisticated their operations are. Your ops level should be aligned to the stage of growth your company is currently at.

The progress bar shows how many of the playbooks in the current level they've already completed – it's another way of looking at their overall Team Readiness score.

Fundamental Playbooks

These playbooks represent the absolutely essential revenue processes that each team needs to have in place – the table stakes for success.

Playbooks are organized to keep your teams on track and focused on a specific, sequenced set of improvements at a time, which helps them establish high quality operations without getting overwhelmed.

The current phase is a bundle of playbooks that complement one another and should be completed together.

Playbooks are organized by theme – you'll see these themes persist across phases. They represent the broader disciplines each team needs to excel in.

You'll note that each theme has its own Readiness score, so you can understand operational coverage in detail. If you ever want to learn more about what a theme includes and why it's important, hover over the icon next to each theme's name.

Within each theme you'll see individual playbooks. If you ever want to learn more about why a playbook is important, click the "Learn more" control.

And within each playbook, you'll see individual tasks. The tasks include the specific steps you'll need to complete in order to implement the process each playbook is focused on.

Click on a task to expand it and see all of the steps that need to be completed. Once you've completed each step, select the status dropdown on the task and mark it "Complete."

Some tasks will be locked and unavailable until you complete a preceding item, while others can be done simultaneously.

Tasks have auto-generated due dates based on how long a typical company needs to complete them. If a task becomes overdue, you'll see that reflected in its status.

Once you complete all of the playbooks in a given phase, you'll move on to the next phase. And once you've completed all phases in the current ops level, you'll level up and receive new playbooks! This modular system is designed to evolve with you as a companion on your growth journey.

Mastery Playbooks

Below the Fundamental playbooks, you'll find additional guides that supplement your core operations. While these playbooks are optional, they provide opportunities to go above and beyond the basic coverage you should have at each ops level, and help you become a top company in your market.

To begin a Mastery playbook, click the "Start Playbook" button. We'll automatically generate the appropriate due dates for you based on your start day.

Completing Mastery playbooks will earn each team badges, AKA bragging rights!

Please note that Mastery playbooks follow you between levels, so if you don't complete them before leveling up you'll have access to them in the next level, in addition to new ones we'll generate for you.

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