The Leaderboard

The Leaderboard is a fun way to see overall progress for your entire company and each individual team. We find that a little friendly competition gets teams motivated to implement new operations more quickly and more thoroughly.

The Leaderboard contains the following sections:

Ops Level & Progress

The level the entire company is currently at. Please note that the company level is always set to the lowest level among your teams. You're only as strong as the weakest operational link!

The progress bar shows how many of the playbooks in the current level all teams have completed. You can think of it as an overarching Company Readiness score.


The Leaderboard ranks teams based on how much they've improved their Team Readiness score since they started their current ops level. This adds an element of fairness, since we're ranking teams on how much effort they're putting into improving, rather than their overall score.

Within each team, you can see their progress on the themes they're currently working on, and the Mastery badges they've earned.

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